Precision Medicine

Precision Medicine has the potential to reduce healthcare disparities and dramatically improve patient outcomes by tailoring diagnoses, therapies, and prognoses around individuals’ inherited and acquired molecular profiles.

Precision Medicine aims to tailor diagnostic approaches and/or medical treatment to the individual profile and needs of each patient, ultimately leading to a shift in the clinical treatment paradigm from a trial-and-error approach to “the right drug, for the right patient, at the right time”.

Precision Medicine: the evolution of personalized medicine

Today, a combination of public investment, biotechnology development, and the digitization of health profiles has evolved personalization beyond therapy selection and into the realm of drug discovery, how care is planned and delivered, and increasingly, how we as individuals/patients engage with companies seeking to improve health.

Advances in diagnostics, digital devices, and imaging are driving this transformation, alongside an arsenal of analytic tools working across a multitude of institutions and stakeholders. Moreover, acceleration of data generation, advances in developing insights, and personalization of the healthcare ecosystem have added dimensionality to Precision Medicine.

Encompassing this entire ecosystem, medicine will be driven by three key components:

1) Data collection through diagnostics and behavioral devices that capture individuals in various states of health and disease;

2) Individualized solutions through advanced analytic engines and personalized therapies;

3) Business models, which are necessary to sustain value and incentivize continued growth.

Pharmacogenomics: one of the most promising areas of precision medicine

Pharmacogenomic tests have the potential to direct drug prescribing to increase safety and effectiveness because an individual’s response to many drugs varies depending on genetic factors. Similarly, tests to identify people with an inherited cancer risk can guide prevention. In both cases, several tests have been introduced into clinical practice and more are under development.

Oliba and the implementation of precision medicine approaches

Oliba partners with most innovative and reliable providers of genomics, metabolomics, and epigenetics procedures to integrate up-to-date molecular technologies into the clinical protocols of hospitals, clinics, and research facilities for the “best in class” patient experience.

Oliba supports healthcare facilities to enhance the trustworthiness of precision medicine procedures by creating decision support procedures for clinicians and patients that address their needs and accommodate flexibility (paying special attention to potential ethical implications).

Finally, Oliba provides consultancy on the implementation of precision medicine approaches in public or private organizations. We also design higher education programs to train professionals on how to implement advanced Omics technologies in their clinical practices.